Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Pattern Pyramid Winner is.......

Wait for it......... are you hearing a drum role? 

If so you should get that checked out.....

A Hearty Congratulations to Angela The Creative Diva!
You are our official winner of all these lovely patterns

Contact me with your shipping address my dear and I will get them out the front door to you:)

Remember to sort thru them when they arrive, take the ones you want, add some to the pyramid and host your own give away.

But most of all...

Now to those who didn't win, and had particular patterns they were interested in be sure to head over to Angela's blog.  You never know you might get a 2nd chance.


  1. Thank you,Lynne. I'll be hosting the giveaway around President's Day. This is so exciting.


Please share your thoughts with Lynne