Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It has been quite awhile since I last posted...business got the better of me.  WilliamsStudio2.com has kept me very busy sewing 66 Batman and Robin Costumes along with an increasing number of Wonder Woman costumes...so needless to say this has left me little time for personal sewing.

I recently attended the ASDP conference though and that provided me with a much needed vacation and reboot!  The instruction was world class but I will discuss that more in another post. today I want to share my Alabama Chanin project with you.

Just a few in process shots for Tuesday.

 This is a fitted camisole in two layers.  Its been stenciled with her rose pattern. 

 As you can see I am now in the process of quilting around the stencil with beads.  Once beaded you cut away the top layer to reveal a bit of color. 

Her organic cotton jersey is amazingly soft and so lovely to hand sew on. 

Have you sewn any Alabama Chanin projects?
or do you own any of her clothing?


  1. Lynne, it was such a treat to meet you at the ASDP conference! Was this Alabama Chanin project something that you'd started before going to Minneapolis, or as a result of the trip? I've often wondered whether I'd enjoy that kind of work - might have to try it myself some day!

    1. Janee, Agreed the conference was a treat and meeting you in the flesh a real highlight. I had started this project before conference but it was the ASDP email hot line that put me in the right direction. I had pinned a garment to an inspiration board years ago when Alabama Chanin was mentioned on memberclicks..I thought who/what is this, headed over to the website and lo and behold there was one of the garments I had pinned. Eureka!! I purchased her color cards and a kit right then and there:)

  2. I love the rose pattern, no doubt it will look outstanding, I wonder how is it going, have you finished the camisole?

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    1. Thanks for the encouragement, it is progressing, all the beading is complete and I just need to finish sewing the sections together and binding the edges. My work is interfering with my personal sewing...Argh


Please share your thoughts with Lynne