Saturday, December 11, 2010

For the love of yellow.

Do you have a favorite color? A color which you can spot at 60 paces across a sea of fabric or racks of clothing?  For me that color has always been Yellow, think butter, sunshine, and liquid gold.  I have grand memories of hot Californian days with the dust rising up from the ground with shafts of warm light slicing through.

In my pursuit of inspiration for the Mad Men Sew along I recently opened a box of clothing my mother saved for me. (yes Dorothy I was a child born in the early 60's) Enclosed is her maternity wear, beautifully made,with bound buttonholes and exciting details.  Dresses from childhood,lovely made by mom(as seen above) and some garments I made or embroidered on as a child.  What a treasure of.....yellow.  All of this just proved to me that this love affair with yellow has been going on a long time, and certainly explains why I simply could not resist the yellow silk I will be using for my Mad Men Sheath Dress.   These pants were my favorites around age 7 , that beanstalk must of made my legs look miles long - lol.

This dress has a label which reads Sears Roebuck co. It barely fits my size 6 dressform and I love the smocking and the elegent cut of the back neckline. Summer anyone?

The smocking is done by hand and the seams are simply pinked.  The waistseam is covered with a narrow piece of rayon seam tape
Personally I do not recall my Mother wearing this dress, but she no doubt looked beautiful in it.  Such a tiny waist.  Are you thinking about lemonade, lemon squash, or daisy's perhaps. I am wondering what the gloves, pocketbook, belt and jewelry looked like.  My goodness winter has hardly begun and I am yearning for the long hot days of summer.  Sigh...

None of this though gets me any closer to the actual sewing of my yellow sheath dress.  I still need to order the lining fabric for it and the more I think about it the more I think I will change the back skirt dart..but more on that later.

What color do you love?  Does it stem from your childhood?

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