Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Product review

Recently I was introduced to a very helpful product, which I thought I should share with all of you.  It's called:  How Much Fabric? Reference Cards by gwen hug.  These handy cards the size of a credit card can be easily carried with you while fabric shopping.  See a fabric you love but are unsure of the amount of fabric you should purchase?  These cards will tell you how much to get.  Love to buy remnants, but unsure what you can make from them, the reference cards will help with that too. 

Gwen was kind enough to send a sample of her cards to me, when I inquired about them for my students.  I just thought that these cards would solve a common problem for all of us.  How much yardage to purchase is a question I am frequently asked, my general response is 3-5 yards as there is not to much you cannot make from that amount of fabric.  But it's not the most economical way to purchase is it?  I think these cards will take care of two of the major stresses of fabric shopping,  1st - how much do I need?, and 2nd- how much is it going to cost? 

I am guessing that Gwen likes working with numbers and excel programs, because according to her website she cross referenced over 2000 patterns from 12 pattern companies to create the charts.  There is great visual reference....picture of slacks...slacks chart!  Let's say I want to make myself a pair of capri's the visual side of the card tells me that  is a "minimum" fabric requirement.  The flip side of that same card then allows me to chart my size (12) my yardage width (60") and lets me know I will need 1 yd of fabric!  That could be from a great deal on a remnant, or some fabulous but expensive fabric that I can only afford a yard of!  Looking further at the other attached cards, from that same 1 yard I could make a  "Minimim" to"average" skirt. a "minimum" top (cami, tank, etc).  Of course the same applies to our stash, which I will start going through now to start assigning yardage to projects.  Anyone want to join me?

The cards come in differents "sets"  - Set 1-Womens, and Set 2- Plus Size, with Mens, childrens and juniors to come this spring.  They  sell for $14.95 + tax and will be available in September during class.  Below you will find a link which will show you the acutal cards.  Check it out! or wait to see them in class.  I will be ordering the womens and plus size but would recommend that our male friends enquire at her website about the exact release date.  Maybe they can pre-order directly from her?

sample card

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