Monday, August 16, 2010

Fall Registration

Can you believe that Fall is just around the corner?  We only have 2 more Friday sessions in August and 1 more Saturday! 

I want to encourage all of you to register for all of your fall classes ASAP.  This will help to avoid confusion especially during our transition.  For those of you who have not been to class recently a update may be in order.  Our wonderful coordinator Debbie Jones has left Nicolet and moved to Illinois.  Currently her position is open, which means that if we want to insure that our sewing classes run, we need to be certain that we have registered for them ahead of time.  I understand that this can be difficult with so many plans to coordinate in our busy schedules, but remember you can always cancel a class 24 hours ahead and still receive a full refund.  This is in contrast to the class not running at all if it does not have the minimum requirements 3 days before!  I mention this because we have had problems in the past with people not signing up in time.  In the past Debbie would contact me and ask if I knew of who was planning on participating so that she could clear the class to run.  This will no longer be happening!  if you are not registered the class will not run.  The other benefit quite honestly to signing up early is that then I know if I will be teaching from week to week or not.  My schedule hangs in the balance until we meet the requirements which is rather tough. 

We also have a new location.  We will be out at Nicolet's beautiful campus starting in the fall.  Some people have expressed concerns over the parking situation, but the campus does not hold regular classes on Fridays and Saturdays which of course means there is plenty of parking.  The acess to the buildings is easy as well, you can drive up, unload your equipment, and then park nearby.  Our classes in September will be in  TC -108 which is the 2nd building on your right, here is a map of campus to help.  You will notice that it is surrounded by parking and the classroom is on the first floor.  Nicolet's website can also provide your with driving directions if you are unsure where the campus is. 

Mail in registration began on the 13th and phone in registration begins on the 25th of this month. The entire Fall schedule is posted to the left, and our first Self Paced Sewing begins on Sept 10th. 

Please contact me right away if you have any problems with registration.  The girls in the office have over 400 classes to coordinate and sometimes things do not go smoothly, but if you contact me we can usually get it resolved in time.  This is another reason why early registration is so helpful.

You will notice that in addition to the Self Paced Sewing and the Learn to sew classes I am offering 4 additional classes.  A Pant alteration, a Shirt alterations, A skirt draft and sew, and the Fabric Painting class. 

As always, please spread the word about our classes.  The Learn to Sew has been a wonderful way to find some new sewing enthusists, maybe some of your friends and family members would like to join us as well. 

I sure look forward to seeing you all this fall,


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