Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pattern reviews?

I recently found a web-site that invites members to write reviews of patterns, notions, machines, books, etc. I thought you all might be interested in checking it out.

Wondering if spending money on a new notion or gadget will be worth the expense? Go to this site, do a search of the item and read what members have to say about it.

Worried that a pattern will be to difficult, or having problems understanding the directions? Again go to the site, search for the pattern and read how members rate the difficulty level and their suggestions for constuction.

They also have on-line classes for beginners to experts, and when you register you get to take one class for free!

This site has over 181,000 members so you get a wide variety of opinions from around the globe and there was not a pattern company that was not represented. They also offer discounts to members from their merchant gallery.

I have posted their link on the toolbar at left under Pattern review.

Check it out - Enjoy! - and let us know what you think
