Sunday, May 3, 2009

George and Michelle have returned!

Wow, Look what George has been up to this winter! He completed his Western Shirt. Click on the image to enlarge so you can really check out his top-stitching and stripe placement. I love the pockets on the bias and lets not forget the back yoke!

Great work George! and welcome back.

Now for our good friend Michelle who needless to say has been busy while she has been away. Babysitting her grandchild has cut into her purse production, but not by much. She made an adorable spring purse, which yours truly failed to get pictures of but I will try to rectify that ... But I did manage to snap a picture of a fun wall hanging she is working on. Hopefully she will add to this post so that she can fill in the details of the project more fully, but you have to love the bright splash of color this will add to any room.

p.s. you are not going blind my picture is out of focus...sorry.