Saturday, October 15, 2011

Change can be exciting!

While Edna Mode my alter ego is busy at work in the studio today I have rolled up my sleeves to do some much needed housework...Oh Boy:) favorite thing to do on a Saturday.

I must be making progress though because most of my nail polish is now removed.

After the kitchen was complete, I convinced myself that I needed a coffee break, and could maybe check some of the blogs I follow.  When what to my wondering eyes should appear but a new option for Blogger which i think is pretty dear.

Most of you know how much I adore Pinterest, and this new format reminds me a lot of that. 
I love the visual aspect of it and I think it will be easier for my small but varied audience to find older posts that might interest them.  

Now I know change can be difficult and even a bit dis-heartening, after all it does take some additional effort to learn a new format or skill.  My hope though is that you will like the changes and will quickly get used to the new format. 

You will notice a tool bar above the picture gallery which will allow you to change the format to any version you prefer.  So if you like the classic version, just click on classic and your familiar friend will be there.  

Don't be afraid to move your mouse around and click to your hearts desire.

Please leave me comments and let me know what your thoughts are on this new look.


  1. Hi Lynne, I like it on your blog too!! Here's the problem I am having...I cannot figure out how to add in my gadgets. If you do, let me know. I love the visual array.

  2. First, I love Edna! Is this what the "Dynamic" view means? I haven't really messed with it. It's different. I like it!

  3. PS..I recently joined do I find you?

  4. I love the Edna doll! nice idea to have your new layout like that.

  5. Would love to follow you on pinterest as well!

  6. No capes!
    (sorry, that was my only thought when I saw Edna in my google reader).

    As for the dynamic view- kind of neat. I haven't seen this before. It takes a long time to load though, that's a bummer.


Please share your thoughts with Lynne