Sunday, August 25, 2013

Developing the Love of Sewing - Trolls

What is it about sewing that is so engaging?  What were your first sewing projects?  Why do some of us remember sewing with such great pleasure while others found it to be horribly frustrating?

For me, those first projects were dolls and small stuffed animals.  We used to draw figures onto old sheets, cut around them, sew around them, stuff them with....old pantyhose(waste not want not) and Voila a new friend to play with was born.  
learning to sew with fun simple projects

My dear mother is the treasure keeper.  She has managed to preserve objects from my childhood which are only passed on to me when she deems that I will care enough to continue to care for them.  One of my motto's in life is..." Have I used this in the last 2 years? No! Than I can get rid of it"  You might not know that I have an abhorrence of clutter when you visit my studio, but I dislike cluttered, closets, drawers and cupboards.  This causes my Mother to act with due discretion when passing on objects that she has kept safely tucked away until she feels I would deem it important enough to continue to treasure it as well.

A number of years ago she presented me with some of the clothes I had made for myself as a child along with dolls and their wardrobes.  Whenever you received a doll from my mother it came with a complete wardrobe and of course a case to store it all in.  What a Gift!!

Here I am in midlife and these items have become very dear to me.  In fact I find myself, like many others stalking ebay and etsy to find my lost treasures.  Those items that were simply so abused by use they just didn't survive my childhood.  

Needless to say some of those items were sewing patterns.  
This pattern, recently found on ebay is one of those treasured patterns.  The trolls name is Melodie and we had many adventures together, most of them in am orange Jeep actually, but all of them in garments made from this pattern, McCalls 7589 Felt Togs for Trolls.  My sisters and I made so many of these garments over the years that the patterns were transferred to cardboard(discarded cereal boxes) several times.  
They are simple, clever and oh so flippn cute!!!

Believe it or not you used to be able to find lovely wool felt at your local fabric store, alas no more, but rest assured I will  be ordering felt shortly so that Melodie can model some new togs.

I am curious, Did you sew from patterns as a child or like to make your own?
Do you know a child who enjoys sewing small things?
Did you develop a love of sewing as a child or later in life?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Fitting Workshop by Fabulous Fit

Just received this notification in my inbox and how could I not share it with you all. 
 The price is right at $69.00 and it seems a great opportunity to learn about how to create proper ease amounts in your clothing or costumes without sacrificing style. 

Saturday August 24th from 2-3:30pm (eastern time)

Below is a excerpt from their site about the workshop

Universal Fitting Solutions is designed to help you with your day to day fitting challenges
If you have a passion for sewing, and yearn to make clothes that fit, you’ll save money, time, and avoid tedious fittings with this workshop.  By applying a few simple principles to your fitting routine, you will teach your hands and your eyes to connect, which will change the way your clothes look and feel.

If your goal is to overcome your fitting challenges, or get a professional insight on fitting, the ”Universal Fitting Solutions” workshop is for you!  Sewing is a passion, and using your skills to create fabulous clothes is just amazing!

The great thing about our live workshop is that you can ask the questions; as we believe that the best way to learn is to ask, discuss and share with others.

Things that may appear difficult at first will be approached from a different perspective.  Fitting clothes becomes easy when you know the rules of cause and effect. You will learn how fabric falls and how your clothes can move with you. “Universal Fitting Solutions” is an eye opener for anyone who wants to create clothes that fit and move with ease.

Here is the link to learn more and sign up.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sewing Cafe-Retirement Pillow Project

 Judy A(student of sewing cafe) came up with this brilliant gift idea.

A Pillow made from men's ties.
Her brother retired recently after 40 years of teaching.  What was the first thing on his retirement agenda but to get rid of all of his ties.  Judy scooped them up to make this memorable gift.  
She opened them all up and then crazy quilted them on to a muslin backing.

Once she had the front complete I went through my fabric stash to find these complimentary cording and backing pieces. So masculine right?

Easy project, Great gift!