Friday, April 22, 2011

35 Inspiring Color Palettes from Master Painters | Art Varsity - StumbleUpon


35 Inspiring Color Palettes from Master Painters | Art Varsity - StumbleUpon

I apologize for being remiss in posting of late.  Work has kept me crazy busy, but I am beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel as they say.

This morning when I checked my e-mails look what I found.  "Inspiring Color Palettes"  how could I not share this with my faithful followers.

Creating Color palettes is a question I get asked a lot about in class and by my dressmaking clients as well.  It usually comes in the form of:  " what can I wear with this besides black"  or "how do you pick colors for a quilt"  Art Varsity has certainly shown us one great way....just go to the Masters of Color.  I highly recommend you all take some time and play on the Color Lovers web site.  I know I plan on doing soon as some Wonder Woman capes are complete.

If you have not already settled on your Spring/Summer wardrobe both of these sites would be a great place to start.  Some find it helpful to find a word that creates the mood they wish to express and use that as a launching pad for color choices.  My theme for summer is taken from Old Spice...yes you heard that correctly.  Old spice has a deodorant called Tahiti which states " The smell of Palm trees, Sunshine and Freedom" What can I struck a chord with me-lol  Could it be the dead trees, snow, and workload, which I am currently buried under...maybe.

Below you will find words to inspire color palettes.  Use mine and/or come up with your own, but just take a moment and visualize some colors that come to mind for each.  Please share your thoughts and palettes with us.

  • Palm trees, Sunshine & Freedom
  • The Secret Garden
  • Mojito's
  • Catamaran
  • Arabian Nights